If you are concerned about someone, ask yourself the following questions. Has your friend or family member shown or shared any of the following:
1. Talking about wanting to die, be dead, or about suicide, or are they cutting or burning themselves?
2. Feeling like things may never get better, seeming like they are in terrible emotional pain (like something is wrong deep inside but they can't make it go away), or they are struggling to deal with a big loss in their life?
3. Or is your gut telling you to be worried because they have withdrawn from everyone and everything, have become more worried or on edge, seem unusally angry, or just don't seem normal to you?


If you know someone who has any of the warning signs, there are things that you can do to help:
1. Ask them if they are okay and listen to them like a true friend.
2. Tell them you are worried and concerned about them and that they are not alone.
3. Talk to an adult you trust about your concerns and direct the adult to this page.
Don't keep someone's suicidal thoughts and plans a secret.
Remember that being a good friend can help save a life.
Thank you for caring enough to make a difference.